Ve jménu Deméter 2016

Z Wiki Grepolis CZ
Verze z 22. 1. 2016, 07:10, kterou vytvořil Thass (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „--Logo Během události Deméter na ostrovech zuří válka a mnoho lidí je na útěku. Pomozte jim a buďte laskavi k těm, kteří jsou v nouzi. Jděte…“)
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Během události Deméter na ostrovech zuří válka a mnoho lidí je na útěku. Pomozte jim a buďte laskavi k těm, kteří jsou v nouzi. Jděte a nakrmte jak mladíka, tak i starce. Bohyně Deméter vás za vaši štědrost a pohostinnost zahrne odměnami.

Jste vlastníkem taverny, v níž budete mít možnost podávat jídla! Použít budete moci až 8 ingrediencí, jimiž odemknete ceny, které vám pomohou dominovat nad nepřítelem. Suroviny pro přípravu jídel můžete sbírat vykonáváním každodenních činností: útočením, bráněním, výstavbou budov, zkoumáním, sesíláním božských sil anebo výcvikem jednotek.

Jakmile máte dostatek těchto surovin, můžete je v hlavním okně události smíchat dohromady. Posléze budete odměněni určitým bonusem. Podávané jídlo pro danou kombinaci ingrediencí se pak uloží do knihy jídel, pro budoucí znovupoužití.

Krom odměn za podávané jídlo budete mít možnosti si v denním žebříčku zasoutěžit proti ostatním hráčům. Těm nejlepším bude uděleno ocenění Master Innkeeper award a první 4 hráči v rámci celé události obdrží prestižní ocenění Lord of Innkeepers!

Serving meals

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In order to serve a meal you must first gather three provisions. It does not matter which provision you use, and you may use more than one of the same type. Once you have the necessary ingredients you may put them on the plates by dragging them on an empty plate on the main event screen. Once all 3 plates are filled you can click "Serve meal".

After you click "Serve meal" your ingredients will be combined, and you will receive a reward from the guest. You may use the reward immediately, or store it in your inventory if you have space. You will not be able to serve another meal until you have collected your reward.

How to collect provisions

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You can find provisions for your meals just by playing the game. Below are some common actions that will award provisions:

  • Attacking and defending
  • Recruiting units
  • Research
  • Construction of buildings
  • Casting of spells

The amount of free provisions you can receive daily is limited to 10. You can buy as many additional provisions as you want by spending gold, although the price of each ingredient will increase with each purchase by the base price (and reset at midnight).

Image Symbol prov1.png Symbol prov2.png Symbol prov3.png Symbol prov4.png Symbol prov5.png
Symbol prov6.png
Symbol prov7.png Symbol prov8.png
Name Goat cheese Kykeon Soup Roasted fish Vegetables Steak Skewer Red wine
Base price in gold 40 40 40 40 60 60 90 90

Book of Meals

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The Book of Meals will automatically save your combinations of provision so that you can easily reference back to them! Meals will be ordered by the type of reward, and you will be able to filter through your provisions by availability or needed provision.

If you wish to unlock an unknown meal without experimenting, you may do so for a small amount of gold.


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All players can compete against each other in terms of served meals on a daily basis. Every time you serve a meal, you will get a random amount of Hospitality Points (up to 10). The ranking is based on these points. No matter which meal you create, you always have the same chance to get points.

As soon as you serve the first meal on a day you will be listed in the daily ranking. The winner of the day (rank 1) will earn an award and an effect. Every day at 8pm the ranking gets evaluated and reset. The rewards get handed out as soon as the evaluation is finished.

Award: Master Innkeeper 2016 (Daily Award)

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The overall ranking will work much the same as the daily ranking, but it will not reset. It will run until the event ends.

The top 10 players in the overall ranking list will receive several bonus rewards as soon as the event ends. Additionally the top 4 players of the event will be awarded the Lord of Innkeepers award to display on their profile!

Awards for the top 4 players of the overall ranking:

Lord of Innkeepers 2016

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
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Additional Awards

Feeding the poor

Served 1 meal Served 5 meals Served 25 meals Served 50 meals
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Most creative cook

Found 1 meal Found 10 meals Found 25 meals Found 50 meals
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Progress Rewards

All players that served a specific amount of meals will get the following bonus rewards:

Amount of served meals Reward
25 Administrator reward.png You will get the administrator for 2 weeks.
50 Overall culture level.png You will get an entire culture level.