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Pravidla hry
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Jeden účet pro jednoho hráče
Hráči mohou hrát v každém světe pouze na jednom účtu. Poskytování hesla od účtu je zakázáno. Herní účet může ovládat pouze jeden hráč. Příklady:
- Hráči mohou používat jeden počítač k hraní více než jednoho účtu, tito hráči však sdílí internetové připojení a musí proto brát zřetel na pravidlo 2.
- Je zakázáno řídit cizí účet, dokonce i když je jeho vlastník nepřítomen z jakéhokoliv důvodu.
- Je zakázáno pokoušet se přihlásit na cizí účty.
Více hráčů na jednom internetovém připojení
Pokud dva nebo více hráčů využívá jedno internetové připojení, nebo počítač, vzájemné interakce s třetím hráčem jsou povoleny po uplynutí 48 hodin od poslední akce jednoho z účtů. Pravidlo platí pro každého kdo hraje na jednom počítači, nebo internetovém připojení s dalšími hráči, jako je například společná domácnost, práce, škola. Je jedno zda-li je společné připojení časté, nebo občasné. Příklady:
- Hráč A a B sdílí internetové připojení na pracovišti. Oba chtějí zaútočit na hráče C, blízkou slabou Polis. Mezi jejich útoky musí uplynout 48 hodin. Hráč A může zaútočit klidně pětkrát za dvě hodiny, ale pokud chce zaútočit hráč B, musí počkat 48 hodin od posledního útoku hráče A.
- Hráči E a F doma sdílí internetové připojení. Oba chtějí poslat suroviny svému spojenci, hráči G. Opět musí uplynout 48 hodin od chvíle kdy suroviny odeslané hráčem E dorazily do Polis hráče G, aby mohl hráč F poslat další suroviny hráči G.
Urážky jiných hráčů nejsou povoleny. Politicky extrémní, pornografické, nelegální či nevhodné materiály jsou ve hře zakázány, stejně tak jako odkazy na tyto materiály. Také nejsou povoleny reklamy či odkazy na jiné webové hry (vyjma her od společnosti InnoGames GmbH), na referral systémy nebo na stránky s možností výdělku(bux.to atd.). Pravidlo se vztahuje na všechny místa ve hře, kam mohou hráči psát text, nebo vkládat obrázky. Příklady:
- Je povoleno hráče nazvat začátečníkem(lamou, noobem).
- Je zakázáno urážet jiné hráče.
- Vydírání ostatních hráčů o zlato je přísně zakázáno!
- Je zakázáno neslušně nazvat svou Polis.
- Hráčská jména jako “Adolf Hitler“ nebo “Pedofilní násilník” povedou k okamžitému vyloučení ze hry.
- Je povoleno vkládat odkazy na vhodná Youtube videa.
- Je povoleno vložit link pouze na webovou hru od společnosti InnoGames GmbH.
Prodej účtů
Je zakázáno využívat účty k jakékoliv obchodní činnosti. Účet nelze nabídnout k prodeji. Examples:
- Hráč nesmí koupit, prodat, nebo nabízet účet k prodeji na Ebay, Aukru, nebo kdekoliv jinde.
- Nabízení zlata jiným hráčům výměnou za herní aktivity, jako například útok na nějakého hráče, je přísně zakázáno!
Each player is required to report critical errors immediately to the game support. Taking advantage of a bug will result in being excluded from the game or an appropriate punishment. Examples:
- If you notice that a Polis produces more resources than it should you must report it.
- If you notice a spelling error, wrong translation or typo, you do not need to report it.
The game may only be played with a conventional browser. Bots or other programs that automatically log on or trigger game actions are prohibited. Examples:
- It is prohibited to use a program that automatically queues work for an account.
Grepolis is an english game for an international market. As the majority of our players are english speakers we request that profiles must be written in english or have an english translation of any texts. However, private communications are allowed to be in any language.
- You must be able to answer queries from the administration team in proficient English.
- An alliance's in-game forum can be in any language.
- Communications between players can be in any language.
- An allaince may not prevent a player from joining because of his or her nationality.
Account Deletion
A player can be deleted for a variety of reasons. If an account is inactive for over 14 days it may be automatically deleted. The support team will not delete account on behalf of any players. Examples:
- There is no refund on used gold if an account was blocked in a world for any reason.
- Unsuitable behavior towards the administration or support team, as well as the abuse of the support system, can lead to an account being banned.
- The rules can be changed or adapted at any time. A change in the rules will be announced in the forum and on the home page of Grepolis.
Forum Rules
You can find the forum here Grepolis Forum
English only. Please limit other languages to well known quotes or provide a correct translation. Anything deemed politically extreme, pornographic, illegal, or unsavory in any way is prohibited. Racist or ethnic bashing comments are forbidden even if used in jest. Comments that play down the use of illegal drugs or promote the use of said substances are strictly forbidden. No use of profanity will be permitted. If it's something a moderator feels is inappropriate, it will be edited.
- Please treat each other with respect and remain polite. You are able to use tactics to prove your in-game opponents in the world forums (See P&P)
- Personal insults are not allowed anywhere in this forum, including reputation and private messages.
- Users are not allowed to impersonate moderators.
- Spam and off topic comments will be deleted. This includes comments such as “In before Lock” and one word posts. If you wish to let the poster know you approve or disapprove of their post, please use the reputation system.
- Please do not attempt to provoke moderators.
- Players who deliberately act against the building of a community will be denied access to these forums.
- Do not use copyrighted materials of any kind in your posts.
- It is not allowed to rebuke another user concerning his grammar/spelling. If the grammar/spelling of a user is that bad, please report the post.
- Please do not include lots of unnecessary quotations.
- Maximum size images you are allowed to post are 640 pixels wide, 600 pixels high.
- No animated images are allowed.
- Please ensure you are creating topics in the right forum.
- Avoid repetition of topics. If you post a repeat topic, please alert a moderator!
- Please choose appropriate topic titles. A bad example would be “Help!” or “Question”.
P&P (Politics and Propaganda)
The idea of P&P is to post about ongoing conflicts in the attempt to spread information, ideas and even rumors in order to help yourself or harm your opponents. P&P can be a valuable tool on the forums and bring a new element to the game. For a thread to qualify as P&P, please ensure when creating the topic the P&P prefix is used. All P&P should be done in character. No personal attacks or flaming are allowed. For example “Player Joe is a coward because he hides his troops from our attacks.” or “Metropolis is full of noobs who can't shoot their slings straight” Unacceptable examples: “Player Joe has a court ordered psychiatrist and really needs to get a life. “
Topics and/or posts that are created solely for the purpose of advertising other websites without connection to Grepolis or InnoGames GmbH are forbidden. "Referer-ID's" and thief-game-links are particularly unwanted. Discussions relating to other non-browser games are allowed.
Signatures and Avatars
- Avatars can be 80 x 80 pixels.
- Signatures can be 120 pixels high, and 700 pixels wide.
- They both must comply with all other rules.
- They may not be animated
- If you need more detail about any of these sizes, please see this guide
All moderators are volunteers, recruited by the community manager. There are currently only two types of moderators: Forum Moderators and In-Game Moderators. Forum Moderators are assigned certain forums to actively moderate. You are able to PM them about any rules you are uncertain of. In-Game Moderators do not actively moderate the forum. Please do not PM them regarding in-game issues. You'd need to put a ticket in. Moderators will never moderate a world they play. This ensures there are no elements of bias involved.
Guidelines for the forum
- If you have a query or problem with any of the moderation, do not create a topic about it. please PM The Imposter.
- If you wish to create a topic regarding moderation, please contact the relevant moderator first.
- Please do not insult or degrade any of the moderators in any way. Treat them as you would a normal player – remember they play Grepolis too!
- The moderators have the right to edit or delete posts and close topics. Please follow their instructions.
- If you notice that your post or topic was deleted, it has been removed for a good reason. Please do not rewrite it. If need be, PM the moderator in question about why it was removed.
- When you breach a rule, you will receive a warning. After this initial warning, infractions will be handed out.
- In some extreme circumstances, the warning will not be given.
- If you are banned from the forum, you are not allowed to create an account to evade this ban. Doing so will result in a month added to your ban, and the ban evade account permanently banned.
- Arguing against the Grepolis team who uphold these rules will be punished and topics that seek to create or worsen existing problems will be deleted.
- Repeated violations may result in probation or permanent removal from the forums.
- Please note that We reserve the right to ban or infract players even if they haven't violated the stated forum rules.
Private messages
- Conversations, discussions and arguments between two people should be done in private. Please use the private message system in this forum or other applications (e.g. IRC, skype, …)
- Please do not harass other people through use of private messages. Repeatedly spamming private messages for personal gain or to irritate other users will result in infractions. All forum rules also apply to private messages unless stated otherwise.
If you are unsure as to whether something is against the rules or not, please contact a moderator before you go ahead with it! We will advise you as soon as possible on whether it is allowed on the forum or not. Do not discuss in-game bans