Dary bohů
Hle, smrtelník! Nebe se otevřelo a bohové nás obdařili svými božskými dary.
Dary bohů je nová událost ve světě Grepolis. Žádali jste o událost spojenou s dárky v tomto výjimečném zimním období. Proto jsme nezopakovali loňskou také novou zimní událost, ale vytvořili jsme něco zcela nového, co se do tohoto speciálního zimního období lépe hodí. V této nové události pro vás bohové připravili božské dary, které budete moci rozbalit. Obsahují speciální klíče k otevírání skříněk. V těchto skříňkách najdete dary připravené od samotných bohů. Každý bůh do nich přibalil své nejoblíbenější předměty. Nyní je na vás, abyste všechna jejich požehnání posbírali. Čtěte dál a dozvíte se podrobnosti!
Je čas otevřít skříňky!
Po otevření okna události se zobrazí mřížka s 5x5 uzamčenými políčky. V těchto políčkách jsou ukryty dárky. Je na vás, abyste je našli!
Klikněte na klíčovou dírku skříňky a otevřete ji pomocí božských klíčů. Nezáleží na tom, jestli něco najdete, stejně si odnesete nějakou odměnu! Pokud jste k ní měli tu správnou vůni, najdete dárek! Některé jsou menší a vejdou se jen do jedné krabičky, zatímco některé jsou větší a vyžadují více zásahů, aby byly zcela odhaleny. Každé odemknutí, které provedete, stojí 10 klíčů. Klíče najdete při plnění běžných herních akcí, jako je útok, sesílání kouzel, obchodování a výstavby. Každý den můžete najít až 10 klíčů, ale pokud jich potřebujete více, můžete si je zakoupit v okně událostí za zlaté.
Every reward earned from the boxes will automatically be added to a temporary system known as the 'Event inventory'. This storage has 6 spaces and can be used to temporarily store rewards until you decide to store, discard or use them. You can only open a box if you have at least one space in your event inventory.
Uncover Gifts!
Each opened box will give you a reward, but you will also get additional rewards whenever you completely uncovered a gift. These rewards are known as 'Reveal rewards'. On the right hand side of the event window, you can see the list of gifts, as well as the rewards you'll get for successfully unveiling those gifts. You have the choice to try and find every single gift, or pick the ones you want the Reveal rewards for, and save your keys for later. If you want, you can search for brand new sets of gifts at the cost of keys. You can also search for new sets of gifts for free if you open all boxes.
Each day during the event has a daily special reward. This reward will be a high value reward which appears one time per set of gifts, and changes each day. The daily special reward can be obtained multiple times if you open all boxes and start a fresh one, or if you refresh theset of gifts using keys.
Lit the tree
Each time you find a gift or part of a gift you also receive honeycomb . Honeycomb can be used to create candles for the tree on the left side of the event window. Once you placed all candles and reached the gift at the top, you'll unlock the coveted Grand Prize.
Using one honeycomb will create between 1 and 3 candles on the tree. At the top of the window, you can see the current Grand Prize, as well as the next 2 prizes after it. Once you reach the gift at the top of the tree, the tree resets, and you're given the opportunity to start on a new tree, and earn a new Grand prize.
The Gods’ Gifts event offers you the opportunity to bag yourself some exclusive new rewards:
Reward | Image | Description |
Soteria's Shrine | Defending units in this city are 0.7% more effective per level of this power.
This is an upgradeable power, when you use it your selected city will get 1 level of this power. The maximum level is 10. This power is permanent. | |
Sneak Peak | If you find the Sneak Peak power in a box, you can immediately choose 2 boxes to see the prize and if there is a gift in the location. | |
Double Prize | If you find Double prize in a box, the next box you open will give you 2 of whatever prize you find.
This does not apply to Grand Prizes and Reveal rewards. |
Below you can find a full list of awards available for the gods' gifts event, and what you need to do to achieve these awards:
Blessed Explorer | |||
Find all gifts of a single gift set. | |||
| |||
Zeus's Blessing | |||
Find 1 gift from Zeus | Find 2 gifts from Zeus | Find 3 gifts from Zeus | Find 4 gifts from Zeus |
Wisdom's Triumph | |||
Find 1 gift from Athena | Find 2 gifts from Athena | Find 3 gifts from Athena | Find 4 gifts from Athena |
Ocean's Treasure Trove | |||
Find 1 gift from Poseidon | Find 2 gifts from Poseidon | Find 3 gifts from Poseidon | Find 4 gifts from Poseidon |
Nature's Blessings | |||
Find 1 gift from Artemis | Find 2 gifts from Artemis | Find 3 gifts from Artemis | Find 4 gifts from Artemis |
Shades' Bounty | |||
Find 1 gift from Hades | Find 2 gifts from Hades | Find 3 gifts from Hades | Find 4 gifts from Hades |
Matron's Honor | |||
Find 1 gift from Hera | Find 2 gifts from Hera | Find 3 gifts from Hera | Find 4 gifts from Hera |
Desire's Embrace | |||
Find 1 gift from Aphrodite | Find 2 gifts from Aphrodite | Find 3 gifts from Aphrodite | Find 4 gifts from Aphrodite |
Shining Star | |||
Reached 1 Grand Prize | Reached 5 Grand Prizes | Reached 10 Grand Prizes | Reached 15 Grand Prizes |